时间:2024-11-16 21:25:05 来源:网络整理编辑:百科事典
競技 一覧MLB/ Snake slithers through Dodgers dugout during NLCS loss to Mets THE ASSOCIATED PRESSO 競技 一覧
October 15,競技 一覧 2024 at 11:55 JST
Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Brent Honeywell celebrates after the last out in the top of the seventh inning in Game 2 of a baseball NL Championship Series against the New York Mets, Oct. 14, 2024, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo)
LOS ANGELES--A snake slithered through the Los Angeles Dodgers dugout during Game 2 of the National League Championship Series on Monday.
The reptile appeared in the top of the fifth inning of the Dodgers’ 7-3 loss to the New York Mets. It wasn’t big enough to put a scare into anyone.
“I was hoping it was a rally snake and we turned a rally around right after that,” reliever Brent Honeywell said. “But just something to get the boys moving a little different (after) everything else.”
The snake was wrapped in a towel and removed by a member of the grounds crew.
“We’ve had ‘Snakes on a Plane,’ ‘Snakes on a Train’ and the latest Hollywood hit: ‘Snake in the Dugout,’” joked Fox play-by-play commentator Joe Davis.
The visitor didn’t have the impact of the San Diego Padres’ rally goose that landed on the field at Dodger Stadium in 2022.
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